ALL LEARNING TOOLS Analytic Foundations for Marketing Decisionscrunch numbers, get results EDPexecute strategies, boost shareholder value IEMAVoperate internationally OPEQexplore cooperation in a closed market Rules of Engagementuse game theory to crush the competition Trading Pitbuy and sell on the floor Backtesterexperiment with investment strategies GISTinfluence geopolitical strategies InterMapconnect concepts, visually Pivot or Perishfind success in the retail revolution Sealed Bid Auctionsout-bid opponents, maximize surplus Customer Centricityuse CLV for strategic advantage Heartslearn or sharpen core negotiating skills MacroSimset the fiscal policies, see the feedback Repeated Duopolystart a price war The Startup Gameexperience entrepreneurship OTHER SUPPORTED SIMULATIONS Everestmaximize group achievement People Expresspilot a company Wharton Interactive Simulationsexplore space and more Keep Talking and Nobody Explodescommunicate under pressure SABREstrategy, on a granular level Kerovkamanage a crisis The Rigavoid cognitive biases, avert disaster