ALL LEARNING TOOLS Analytic Foundations for Marketing Decisionscrunch numbers, get results EDPexecute strategies, boost shareholder value IEMAVoperate internationally Pivot or Perishfind success in the retail revolution Sealed Bid Auctionsout-bid opponents, maximize surplus Backtesterexperiment with investment strategies GISTinfluence geopolitical strategies MacroSimset the fiscal policies, see the feedback Repeated Duopolystart a price war The Startup Gameexperience entrepreneurship Customer Centricityuse CLV for strategic advantage Heartslearn or sharpen core negotiating skills OPEQexplore cooperation in a closed market Rules of Engagementuse game theory to crush the competition Trading Pitbuy and sell on the floor OTHER SUPPORTED SIMULATIONS Everestmaximize group achievement People Expresspilot a company Wharton Interactive Simulationsexplore space and more Keep Talking and Nobody Explodescommunicate under pressure SABREstrategy, on a granular level Kerovkamanage a crisis The Rigavoid cognitive biases, avert disaster