Students describe the essence of leadership in pictures and words that can be sorted and used by the instructor
Originally conceived as a classroom exercise by Wharton professors Anne M. Greenhalgh and Chris Maxwell, and developed by the Learning Lab, our Images of Leadership application serves as an interface for students to upload digital images and text that embody their personal understandings of leadership. For instructors, Images of Leadership provides a reservoir of data that can be mined and used to guide classroom discussions, readings, exercises, and research.
After uploading a picture and submitting a brief essay about the essence of leadership, students attach metadata to the image by assigning tags and leadership classifications (e.g., leadership styles and behaviors). Instructors can then use the metadata to gain insight into the student perceptions of leadership. Students also have the capacity to view postings by their classmates as a way to expand and enrich their own self-understanding of leadership.
If you are a user of the application and want some instruction about how to use it, watch the following video:
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