Invitation to Participate: You are invited to participate in a research study.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore tacit perceptions of leadership.
Procedures: Create or find a picture that captures the essence of leadership for you. Write and then post to this web application a short paragraph (100 words) that explains why. Finally, poste the picture and its source information (URL, copyright data).
Risks: This exercise poses no known risks to you.
Costs and Financial Risks: There are no known costs or financial risks.
Benefits: Findings will further our understanding of the perceptions of leadership business men and women hold in their mind’s eye.
Compensation: There is no financial compensation for participating.
Confidentiality: All information collected in this study will be kept strictly confidential, except as may be required by law. If any publication results from this research, you will not be identified by name.
Disclaimer/Withdrawal: You agree that your participation in this study is completely voluntary and that you may withdraw at any time without prejudicing your standing at the University of Pennsylvania.
Subject Rights: If you wish further information regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Director of Regulatory Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania by telephoning 215-898-2614.
You also understand that if you have any questions pertaining to your participation in this research study, you may contact Dr. Anne M. Greenhalgh at 215-898-6058 or by email at